Monday, July 16, 2007

NCTC Visit, July 14, 2007

Yes, a great time was had by all! Most met at the Clarion where they boarded the Eagle Express for a quick drive thru town before landing at Sandra's house. The Eagle Express was a beautiful motor home driven by Wanda (costumelady) and her husband.We started with lunch at Sandra's house in Shepherdstown. Vicky and Iris both found Sandra's house OK. Jill arrived late, but she made it!! We had subs and chips and fruit and veggies and brownies and Baltimore Berger cookies!!
Around 2 we boarded the Eagle Express and a couple of cars and headed for NCTC....where guess who was waiting for us in the tree!!! Yes, Belle was there to greet us. We actually drove right up to the barn next to the tree. She stayed in the tree for about 5 minutes before taking off across the meadow (directly behind the cam) and perching herself in another sycamore tree. She was actually sitting in a very open spot on the tree, and we gazed upon her for about an hour before she did a poop shoot, took off back over part of the meadow, back around some trees and off to the river. Maybe Lib was waiting there for her with a fish! We waited for over an hour, but there was no return to the tree by either Lib or Belle. Must have been nice down by the river :) It really was a beautiful day to visit the nest...
We headed back to the Clarion for dinner around 4:30, where a couple of other momsters like Dana, Nilla and Sunny met us for dinner. I think we had 28 or 29 people for dinner! The staff at the Rumsey Tavern was wonderful! We started out with drinks, then got our appetizers and dinner. A special cake for dessert, and a raffle to boot!There was much socializing, hugging and chatting going on the whole time! I think the dinner finally was over sometime around 8pm and there were lots of special hugs given out. Oh, and I forgot to mention the special "Eagle Talon" drinks that Wanda's husband whipped up while we were at the nest! Yum!....and Norma did check her cane at the door! LOL
For more pictures......(coming soon!)