Sunday, November 08, 2009

In Loving Memory of
Deb Palmer
NCTC Open House, October 2008
Riding the Potomac Eagle Train

Jack, Lolly, Anne-Marie, Deb, Norma

Lunch after the Potomac Eagle Train

Paula, Anne-Marie, Norma, Deb, Sandy, Bill, Lolly, Jack

Plane Ticket to fly there - $350.00

Camera to take the pictures - $300.00

Binoculars & Spotting Scope - $600.00

Watching Eagles with your friends - Priceless


Costume Lady said...

Thank you, Paula...these photos are PRICELESS.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Paula
Aren't pictures worth a thousand words!


Mits said...

awesome pics, thanks.

ceil said...

That is priceless. Thanks

NatureNut said...

Those are absolutely wonderful! God Bless you, Paula.

hedgie said...

Paula, a very special tribute to Deb, for sure. Thank you for posting!!

magpie said...

Thank you, Paula...dear friend to us all...I know Deb would burst with smiles at these photos and your captions. xo Magpie

Lolly said...

Thank you, Paula! That day was so very special and that evening at the nest was just awesome!! One I will never forget. My furry little eagle sits by my computer.

normabyrd said...

Paula---thank you--I have never seen those photos!---I agree with
LOLLY---that was such a perfect day----You folks got to see the EAGLES at the tree!---and DEB sent me the picture!!---now I can cry!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thank you so much Paula!! I will dig around and see what I can find. I love fun memories!!!