Wednesday, March 23, 2011

We have been discussing whether the intruder is a male or female. I originally thought it was a female, based upon the zoomed in cam view, and views from the ground. Now that the cam has been zoomed out, it appears the intruder is smaller than Belle in several videos that have been posted. Here is a comparison of Liberty and the intruder, perching on the same branch at different times on Sunday March 21. I thought the intruder was a female at first, but it looks to me like the intruder is a male as the two are very comparable in size. Thanks to Lori O for sending me the pictures for this comparison.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Definitely a male.

wvgal_dana said...

Intruder is not a brood across chest as Liberty is.

bev. said...

Because they are different views ,it is hard to tell is they are as broad across chest.
but they are both same size and to me almost look identical.

Red said...

I find it difficult to even identify the two as different birds. I cannot identify either bird with any feeling of accuracy. I think you're all crazy. haha

Lolly said...

Thanks to Red for the chuckle. I am not sure who the two birds are, but I definitely think it is smaller than Belle.

Costume Lady said...

Looks like the same bird in both photos, with one frame turned slightly to the side, which would make it a bit smaller. Actually too close to call. Are we even sure the one eagle is Liberty?
Are we even sure we are not in KANSAS;)